Badminton: hitting birdie to open space:
1. Gator-skin badminton
Can have 1 or 2 people on each side of the badminton net. Using the gator-skin balls, play a normal game of badminton with out rackets (throwing the ball over the net and catching it, then throwing it back over). Allow the ball to bounce once (if wanted/needed) before it is caught (or to modify, allow ball to bounce twice). Can also decide to use other balls (like a tennis ball which bounces easier, but is smaller). This game allows the students to look for and throw the ball to open space (the tactical problem) with out having to worry about badminton shot technique (assuming the students already have sufficient throwing skills).
2. triple point badminton
This game will be like a normal game of badminton (1 or 2 students per side) except students receive 1 point each time they hit the birdie over the net and 2 points if the birdie drops on the opponents side with out the opponent touching it. This game allows students (especially less-skilled students) to still receive points but encourages all students to really aim for open space on their opponent's court rather than simply trying to hit it as hard as they can or just getting it over. This could be a good game too, because points can be racked up very easily and students will therefore be able to cycle through much quicker.
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