Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Our two invented games

First of all I was lucky enough to be in a very good group, with very creative people who all enjoyed being involved. When everyone chirps up and makes comments that they think will make for a good game, it makes the process of creating a game much easier and more enjoyable.  
One of our games we created was probably one of the most abstract of any other group. We simply named it cone-hands. The game was a short relay that involved 8 pylons, 8 bean bags, and a baton. The course we set up was very short but the length could be changed to adapt better to different ages. It starts off at a start line with 2 teams. The first member of each team places the pylons over their arms acting as hands and then runs to the end where the bean bags are located. They then try to pick up a bean bag with the cones over their hands then run back halfway to where the first pylon is located. Then they try and place the beanie on top of the pylon. Then they must run back to the end and pick up another bean bag and place it on top of the last beanie they placed on the pylon. Once they have successfully stacked 2 beanies on the pylon they must run back to the start and grab the baton with their cone hands. This isn't as easy as it sounds... they must make their way back to the end where they [picked up the bean bags, where the 2nd pylon is located and stuff the baton through the top of the pylon. Then they sprint back to the next person in line and swap the pylons with their team-mate. Then their team-mate goes and does the same thing only having to stack beanies on top of the already placed 2 other beanies. First team to successfully complete the relay race wins!
This game can be changed very easily with the number of players, how far the relay is, how many bean bags they must bring back, where the pylons are, and the list goes on and on. It is a very broad view of the game and still allows for more creativity. The rules are very basic, and are really no different than any other relay.
-          Wait for the other player before you can take off
-          The cones can’t leave the hands until you switch racers
-          If you drop the bean bags, you must just re-pile all of them one at a time
Our game worked on many important skills: running, balance, coordination, and precision as well as many different fine and gross motor skills. Teamwork, respect, and fun were had by all during this activity!

The second game we had was much easier! It involved the parachute and 3 of the dodge-balls. 4 Players in the group would lift the parachute and run under it and sit on the inside of it as it began to deflate. The 5th group member had all 3 dodge-balls and would try to score them through the hole in the middle of the parachute. We only had 3 balls so if we had more it would have been a better game. This game is very simple and easy to setup. The rules are also very limited.
The self-direction day went very well, in my opinion and was quite enjoyable with the group I had, and I’m sure every other group had fun too.

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