Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Physical Educators Resources

http://www.thephysicaleducator.com/ This website is a great resource for PE teachers! It has new featured games every week that are perfect for young children. This weeks game is tusker tag. The game is very simple but would be great to do in class! The website also has features for more games, informative poster ideas, lesson plan ideas and blogs where physical educators can write about new ideas they have and share them with the world!

http://weissice.com/index.htm This website is made and maintained by Howie Weiss. There are many very new and very interesting games. One I glanced at was Turkey Island and it sounds pretty awesome. It is definitely something I would try with a class! Very creative thoughts!

 This is probably the biggest site I found. It contains a large variety of different curriculum. It has a very broad view on PE! Anything from gymnastics, to outdoor survival, to disc golf! It also contains links to many other good sites for PE.

1 comment:

  1. Your first link did not work. Maybe the site has been closed. The other two had great info.
